User talk:Cornelia Lange

Hi, Welcome to AboutUs!

Did you know that you can edit pages on AboutUs? You can search for the websites you are interested in and start contributing to them right away! I believe that AboutUs can be a meaningful resource for you and your organization. Also, check out our new beta feature ListKeeping. Feel free to write to me if you need help with anything. Have a very nice day! Best, Obed Suhail .talk. .chat.


I noticed your edits and I wanted to invite you to upload a portrait so that your picture will show up instead of a gray question mark in the Recent Contributors box to the right of pages you edit. Let me know if you have any questions and see this page for ideas on how to make your page even better. Best, Kristina (contact me) 14:52, 11 September 2009 (PDT)