User:Umar Sheikh

Revision as of 05:37, 26 March 2008 by Umar Sheikh (talk | contribs) (Protected "User:Umar Sheikh": testing [edit=autoconfirmed:move=autoconfirmed])


I am Umar Muhammad Sheikh.


Martial arts (2nd dan Black belt in Tae Kwon Do), graph theory (cleared PHD qualifiers), Scrabble, a bit of reading, and a lot of day dreaming



Linux commands

more ~/.bash_history,

tail -f filename,

Vim commands

1 'CTRL+z' to send a task in the background, and 'fg' to bring it back. if there are more than one programs running, type 'jobs' to view them, and if you want a program called 'xyz' to run, there is a number next to the program 'xyz', example, n. type 'fg n' to run it. 2 'gg=G' to properly indent code (but this is by reaming in the command mode and not entering the : in the beginning) 3 '%s/ab/cd/g' to replace all occurences(the work of g) of ab with cd in a file u opened in vim. this option is given in the command mode 4 'CTRL+w+v' so that the same file opens again vertically next to itself

Irb commands

1 load "filename"

Tasks participated in @ AboutUs


  • 1 I want to do a grep in all subdirectories of a given directory, but i want to exclude one subdirectory. How to do it? I know sth like "exclude=PATTERN" works, but i m not sure how. I have been trying sth like

grep -nri umar * --exclude=nimbus/ but it doesnt work.


  • 1 sth like grep -r umar !(nimbus) works!