User:Umar Sheikh


I am Umar Muhammad Sheikh. Though jobbing is not the most significant part of my life yet, I can describe it in complete detail right now. This is my first day at AboutUs, and so far, the first hour has not yet expired. Period! My first task is to write my own second home page. The first one I made was in the first introductory computer science course, and I made it for getting a good grade. This is not much different!

Job Experience

  • Palm Chip -- four months as a part-time software engineer
  • Aboutus -- 16 months
  • Confiz -- since February 22, 2009


Martial arts (2nd dan Black belt in Tae Kwon Do), graph theory (cleared PHD qualifiers), chess, scrabble, a bit of reading, and a lot of day dreaming.



Utilities I have found useful

  • pinfo
  • sed

Linux commands

more ~/.bash_history,

tail -f filename,

Vim commands

1 'CTRL+z' to send a task in the background, and 'fg' to bring it back. if there are more than one programs running, type 'jobs' to view them, and if you want a program called 'xyz' to run, there is a number next to the program 'xyz', example, n. type 'fg n' to run it. 2 'gg=G' to properly indent code (but this is by reaming in the command mode and not entering the : in the beginning) 3 '%s/ab/cd/g' to replace all occurences(the work of g) of ab with cd in a file u opened in vim. this option is given in the command mode 4 'CTRL+w+v' so that the same file opens again vertically next to itself

Irb commands

1 load "filename"

Tasks participated in @ AboutUs


  • 1 I want to do a grep in all subdirectories of a given directory, but i want to exclude one subdirectory. How to do it? I know sth like "exclude=PATTERN" works, but i m not sure how. I have been trying sth like

grep -nri umar * --exclude=nimbus/ but it doesnt work.


  • 1 sth like grep -r umar !(nimbus) works!

My Influence Us Comments

Umar Sheikh's Comments on

  • Umar Sheikh (delighted) : hello world 21:43, 6 May 2008 (PDT)
    • Umar Sheikh's reply : reply of hello world 22:07, 6 May 2008 (PDT)