User talk:Miyuki/

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Miyuki's Comments on

  • Miyuki (frustrated) : I don't like spam addressed to people other than myself while using my legitimate address. (No one named "Stephanie" uses this computer, scumbag!) I also do not like receiving several messages a day for penis enlargement. I am a woman and have no problem with my husband's size!. Your useless and annoying spam:. "Harry" . 日付: 2008/03/12 水 午前 07:45:55 JST. 宛先: "Stephanie" . 件名: the best solution for growth. . . I've played on and off with pumps, weights, and exercises for the last few. years and have never gained one centimeter. . I recently began VPXL and was pleasantly surprised to see that this product. actually works. . I have been on the product 2 months now and I have already gained 1 inch. . . Its fantastic! My new girlfriend is really impressed with my size and stamina. . . . 17:03, 11 March 2008 (PDT)