Category:Content Task

Revision as of 04:31, 1 September 2007 by Scott Keeler (talk | contribs) (Next (September 1-15))

Our Work / Content / Tasks

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When you create a new Content Task, please add it to the proposed list.

Current (August 16-31)

  1. Perfect 30 articles for CommonAnswers (Sept. 1-15) (ChrisBabson, TakKendrick)
  2. UpdatingPresidentialElectionPortal (August 16-31) (Kasey)
  3. WritingLab/Creating Content
  4. Add EFL Language Schools and Featured Websites (People?)

Next (September 1-15)

  1. (2hrs) Organize Content Tasks (TakKendrick, Mehrunnisa, Saad)
  2. Create 25 long tail category articles for Common Answers (Sept 1-15) (ChrisBabson, TakKendrick)
  3. Writing Lab, Sep 1-15 (Fatima, Saliha)
  4. Upgrading Portal Cheiros Palmistry (September 1-15) (Asma)
  5. Upgrading EFL Portal (September 1-15)

Not Yet Prioritized