User talk:Dulce Rodrigues

Hello there and happy March, Dulce Rodrigues! I, Nick, would like to personally welcome you to! AboutUs is not just another website or source, we are in fact a community of caring individuals whom all strive for a common goal. You are more than welcome to join us. Now that you are a registered member of our growing community, step in and take a part. You can start off by editing your personal page or the domain page about any website.
AboutUsLogo 8bitTransparent.png

If you ever have any questions about AboutUs feel free to contact me by editing my user talk page, or even check up on Live Chat!

Once again welcome to and please enjoy your time here.


Re Picture

Hello, I would like to know how we can change the picture appearing illustrating a website when the picture is no longer valid. I was unable to do it. Thanks Dulce Rodrigues

Are you talking about the website photo in the domain box? If so click the DomainTools link you see and find on that page where it says 'Queue For Update'
