

Paul and Gena Suarez are the Publishers of The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, the magazine for homeschool families. Four years into this successful publication, they noticed a need for an easy-to-use, FREE, online community where homeschool moms, dads, kids and grandparents could communicate, share ideas and pictures, and enter into educational discussions. Within the first three days of the birth of HSB, the site enjoyed over 1,400 page views. The first calendar month (June, 2005) of its existence, HSB hosted over 30,000 visits (many repeat visitors). The community was taking hold. The second calendar month increased its visitors to 60,000 - it doubled in one month. As of 2006, an average month's page views numbers three to four million!

We are a social, always-learning, typical homeschooling family - perhaps somewhat like your family - and love to make new friends. Come and say hello at Gena's blog.

We knew that creating a "mini blogosphere" just for homeschoolers, and those who support homeschooling, would be a great resource for homeschool families everywhere. We've been blessed with a great team of people who help to make HSB THE online community for homeschoolers. You'll want to go by and visit each of their blogs and get to know them better. Let's introduce you to them!

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