Category:Zambia Safari

Top Five National Parks in Zambia

Zambia is a landlocked country in Southern Africa and a top holiday destination for people worldwide. Known for Zambia Safari and a large number of national parks, this country has been a visitors’ paradise.

Zambia safari holiday can be availed in national parks like South Luangwa National Park, Kafue National Park, Lower Zambezi National Park, Lochinvar National Park, Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park etc. All these national parks boast of having some of the wildest animals and birds on this planet. Baboon, elephant, sable, giraffe, eland buffalo and impala, lions honey badger, civet and wild dogs are the major attractions in most of these national parks.

4 x 4 cab safari, elephant safari, balloon safari and even fly-in safari can be availed here. For accommodations, you will have luxury hotels, budget resorts and lodges. Camping accommodation is another major attraction here in Zambia. If you are planning a visit to this mystique land, plan your trip well in advance with a professional tour operator.

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African safari | Africa holidays | Botswana safari | Botswana holiday | Kenya safari | Kenya holidays | Zambia Safari | Holiday Zambia | Tanzania safari | Holiday Tanzania | Namibia safari | Holiday Namibia |

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