Frequently Asked Questions

What is AboutUs?

AboutUs is a free to use website where anyone can add information about almost anything. Originally intended for domain names and the businesses running them; we are now allowing pages for people, places, things, and more. Please feel free to add you own constructive thoughts, facts, and opinions to any page on the site.

AboutUs uses MediaWiki software, the same software that runs WikiPedia. A "wiki" is a website that allows people to add, modify, or delete content in collaboration with others. It uses a markup language called Wiki Markup. Although a bit confusing at first, it allows users to build structured pages without the need to know HTML. We will be adding a more user friendly editor in the near future for those that don't want to learn Wiki Markup though.

Getting Started

For more help on creating and editing AboutUs pages please visit our getting started page.

How do I add a page?

Adding a page is easy. First, login or create an account. Then simply search for the page using the search bar at the top of the site. If the page doesn't exist click the "Create Page!" button to create it. If the page does exist you can still add your own content to it by clicking the "Edit" button at the top.

How do I edit a page?

Editing an existing page is even easier than creating a new one. At the top of every page is an "Edit" button. Simply click it to start editing a page.

How much does it cost to use AboutUs?

Nothing! Adding and editing pages on AboutUs is free. In the future we may dream up some value added services but the main purpose of the site, adding and editing information, is completely free.

How can I contact AboutUs?

We'd love to hear from you. Here are the best ways to get in contact with us:

NOTICE: This information is for contacting AboutUs, not any company or website that has an AboutUs page. If you are trying to contact a company with an AboutUs page, please locate their contact information on that page or on their company website. If an AboutUs page does not contain correct contact information for the company or website it represents, please add it once you find it so that future visitors can more easily locate it.


Do you honor robots.txt?

Please see our page entirely dedicate to the AboutUs Bot.

Pages in category "NoBot"

The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 366 total.

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