Category:CO2 Reduction is in the business of promoting technologies to lower Carbon Dioxide Emissions generated by the burning of fossil fuels in the earth's atmosphere.

Yes, we are proactive in developing technological solutions to cut Green House Gas CO2 emissions.

Cheap CO2 Emission Reduction Technology Licensing.

There is a single solution to reduce CO2 emissions from cars.

In fact, any engine burning a fossil fuel energy source can have it's exhaust system cheaply and quickly fitted with Climate Cleanup's Black Box Device and reduce CO2 Emissions by up to 80%.

Climate Cleanups "Black Box Device" is simply and easily fitted to the existing car exhaust pipe. No modifications of any component are required. Recent testing on a VW Golf 1400cc displayed a CO2 emission result of 60% to 80%.

In contrast to the Thousands of Euros / Dollars projected to reduce CO2 emissions from cars our "Black Box Device" cost is measured in hundreds of Euros / Dollars per vehicle.

Climate Cleanup supports the ACEA / JAMA / KAMA objectives of reducing CO2 emissions from cars to as low as 120 gCO2/km and more.

The EU Commission’s proposed target - achieving 130 gCO2/km by the year 2012 through vehicle technology is feasible from a cost perspective and from a practical point of view.

The announced legislative framework, determining the cars of 2012 and beyond, can be met NOW.

Licensing CO2 Emission Reduction Technology

Licensing enquiries for the car exhaust device are now open.

Automotive Manufacturers are invited to witness a CO2 Emission Reduction demonstration utilizing the current prototype device. To arrange a demonstration please contact us.

Note that Climate Cleanups "Black Box Device" is simply and easily fitted to the existing car exhaust pipe. No modifications of any component are required.

Application For ALL Fossil Fuel CO2 Emissions

Additionally, Climate Cleanups "Black Box Device" is effective on gasoline, petrol and diesel fuel powered vehicles.

In addition to motor vehicle exhaust pipes Climate Cleanups "Black Box Device" is scalable to handle CO2 Emissions from any exhaust, such as chimneys and smoke stacks.

This technology is scalable and adaptable to Aircraft, Power Plant Smoke Stacks and Fossil Fuel Refineries / Petrochemical Plants.