User talk:PeterMerel

Hi Peter! Saw the work you are doing on DispiracyTheory and headed off to your personal page; cool stuff man! How can you manage to do so many things at the same time!? Would love to learn that from you. Also, if I can help in anyway with the pages you're working on, just gizza shout!

Ciao! Wasim Sajid | :::talk:::

Um, bear in mind that most of these things have been progressing at a snail's pace for years. My best advice is don't do like I do - pick one thing you love best and do it to the hilt. I do too many things at once, and I get very frustrated that I can't give enough energy to make 'em all happen at once too.

Hello Peter, a pleasure to see you here. I took the liberty of adding a category to your PersonalPage (and if you would be interested in redirecting User:PeterMerel to PeterMerel (not necessarily the talk page)). Look forward to wikiing with you! Best, MarkDilley

Hi Mark, that would be cool. Do I do that or do you do that?

Yo, Peter, nice to have you here. -- Ward Cunningham

Thanks Ward, nice to see you taking the bull by the horns again. So to speak one hopes. Now then ... what are we doing here?

I mean I have a sneaking suspicion my usual brand of twaddle isn't exactly on topic if there is an on topic here. Fingers crossed there ain't.

Please feel encouraged to not answer directly.

WikiProcess is awesome. Mark and I just spent ten minutes talking about how long it took us to get into the name AboutUs. You got it right away.

Wasim Sajid's warm welcome triggered it. I was speaking with a sense of nostalgia and hope; WikiProcess is what c2 had going on at its finest moments. I have a feeling there is another step that could be taken along these lines here but it hasn't occurred to me yet. Something to make the process more natural, more explicit, and more embedded in the web at large. I don't know what it is yet but maybe ... TwittiWikker?.


I noticed that this page was User:PeterMerel so thoughtlessly created a page called PeterMerel and shifted the content. Only then noticed the nice "move" functionality for internal page forwarding. But "move" only works for new pagenames that don't exist yet ... so how can I remove the hand-created PeterMerel so I can auto-forward User:PeterMerel?

I'm getting dizzy. Well, okay, I may have been dizzy to begin with.

Help with Big Decision ... AboutUsLogo!

Hello Peter, there is a movement afoot to create a new version of the AboutUsLogo. I'd love it if you would come to AboutUsLogo and participate in creating this important decision about the look/feel for our site, after all ItsYourWiki! Warm Regards, Brandon CS Sanders Caricature.jpg Brandon CS Sanders

Hey Brandon. I don't know about the logo - I think maybe something with a lot of hands on keyboards. Like 529783811_e46f929f55.jpg


"I" been working on WikiProcess. "I" don't think that "I" can explain it easily yet ;-)

Storyteller's Bazaar

Hello Peter,

Have you paid a visit to TheStorytellersBazaar yet? If not, please do. It's jam packed with all sorts of writing activities. Read some of the contributions and hopefully they will inspire you to contribute too. The more you contribute the better the site will become. Come and have a look and enjoy. Tanwir Shah



I would just like to tell you about the WhoWeAre consensus poll. This is a unique opportunity for all community members to discuss and decide what AboutUs is and more importantly what role we, the community, plays.

The discussion is still in its initial stages and there are a handful of people involved in this discussion. But it's not enough. Every one of us has a stake in this process. We all need to air our views. Our opinions will make a difference. We cannot and must not let a handful of people define us. We must speak out and contribute because we are being defined and I for one would like to have a say in how I am being defined.

Please contribute to this really important project. Without you it cannot successfully create a good definition of who we are. Tanwir Shah