
Hi there. I am the AboutUs mascot. You may recognize me from other famous places like, "that other page" or "The Google.com page", or "The Msn.com page", or "The Yahoo.com page". I always apear in the upper left hand corner and you can click on me to get back home.

Why do I listen with my left ear you ask?

I have a good reason, I am left handed. It appears like I am right handed but you have to remember I am facing you. Enough boring facts about me, lets talk about you! What are your favorite website domains and what pages need improvement? We should start with the featured sites of the day. Everyday, we feature several sites; you are warmly welcomed to improve any site page you wish and then nominate it for consideration to be a featured site.

Get involved

If you would like to help out around here, there are some good articles in the help section or simply volunteer. We are looking for good contributors and people that like to help.