Difference between revisions of "Learn/Pay-Per-Click"

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| ArticleName = Track Your Marketing in Google Analytics
| ArticleSummary = If you have access to the code on your website and are comfortable with basic HTML, getting started with Google Analytics is relatively easy. What's less easy is getting used to the sheer mass of data in Google Analytics. What should you be looking at, and how do you move from data collection to actions that will improve your business?}}
| ArticleName = Google AdWords Guide for Beginners
| ArticleName = Google AdWords Guide for Beginners

Revision as of 17:04, 8 September 2010

Reach People Seeking What You Sell

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People search the web before they buy. Placing your ads next to relevant search engine results means you're reaching people at the moment when they're looking for what you sell. Learn to use paid search marketing effectively, and you'll be way out ahead of your competitors who haven't a clue.

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