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WEBCAMS.COM is the reason you bought a computer! We offer sexy live webcam chat with hundreds of beautiful online performers who host their own webcam shows right from their houses.

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Bruesseler Strasse 89-93
Cologne, NRW 50672 GERMANY

(This information does not match the domain registration information below)

Community Reviews

WHOIS registration data:

: owner-contact: P-CPH106
: owner-organization: Colbette Holdings, Ltd.
: owner-fname: Colbette
: owner-lname: Holdings
: owner-street: PO Box 27142 15 Themistocles Dervis Street
: owner-city: Nicosia
: owner-zip: 1642
: owner-country: CY
: owner-phone: +4780011403
: owner-email: 
: admin-contact: P-CPH106
: admin-organization: Colbette Holdings, Ltd.
: admin-fname: Colbette
: admin-lname: Holdings
: admin-street: PO Box 27142 15 Themistocles Dervis Street
: admin-city: Nicosia
: admin-zip: 1642
: admin-country: CY
: admin-phone: +4780011403
: admin-email: 
: tech-contact: P-CPH106
: tech-organization: Colbette Holdings, Ltd.
: tech-fname: Colbette
: tech-lname: Holdings
: tech-street: PO Box 27142 15 Themistocles Dervis Street
: tech-city: Nicosia
: tech-zip: 1642
: tech-country: CY
: tech-phone: +4780011403
: tech-email: 
: billing-contact: P-CPH106
: billing-organization: Colbette Holdings, Ltd.
: billing-fname: Colbette
: billing-lname: Holdings
: billing-street: PO Box 27142 15 Themistocles Dervis Street
: billing-city: Nicosia
: billing-zip: 1642
: billing-country: CY
: billing-phone: +4780011403
: billing-email: 
: nameserver:
: nameserver:

Website is actually located in Panama

: has address
: inetnum:     200.0.202/23
: status:      assigned
: owner:       WS Management
: ownerid:     PA-WSMA-LACNIC
: responsible: Dean Hopton
: address:     Calle 50 y 56, --, Suite 2A
: address:     -- - Urbanizacion Obarrio - PA
: country:     PA
: phone:       +50 7 380 0846 []
: owner-c:     DEH
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: nserver:     NS0.NS3024.COM
: nsstat:      20090819 AA
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: nserver:     NS1.NS3024.COM
: nsstat:      20090819 AA
: nslastaa:    20090819
: created:     20061018
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: nic-hdl:     DEH
: person:      Dean Hopton
: e-mail:      
: address:     Calle 50 y 56, 2A,
: address:     NONE - Urbanizacion Obarrio - PA
: country:     PA
: phone:       +507 380 0846 []
: created:     20060910
: changed:     20060910


~VIPEX Internet Presence GmbH
+49 221 579770

(Note that this data appears to be at odds with the WHOIS data for Colbette Holdings listed above. Wayback archive shows a change in site orientation to adult-material in 2004)

Additional Information

Related Domains

A websearch on any of the domains above, plus the word "scam" is eye-opening.

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Jeza's Comments on

  • Jeza (frustrated) : WARNING! This website is either a scam or at the very least is exploited by scam artists. appear to show no concern that their affiliation program is being used in this way. Perhaps this is because they're happy to collect the money they receive, which really means they are part of the scam. is also a cause for a lot of spam on various chat related websites. In these scams, supposed models claim that you can sign up for free to see their webcam. However, it would appear that these users are not even models but rather con artists receiving affiliation commission. It is advisable to ignore such referrals to and avoid this site all together until they show some effort towards resolving these issues. 21:51, 17 June 2008 (PDT)

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