
Meditation Music by Shapeshifter from Visionary Music


Excerpted from the website:

With open arms, we welcome you back to a place you once called Home. Our soundscapes are the next evolution in Sound Healing/Transformational work - one that emanates from Source with pure intent to awaken the remembrance within you, of who you are and why you have incarnated here at this point in time. You are a powerful being and one that is full of potent potentials that just await your sincere intent to release the codes within your DNA blueprint to be fully present and aware of your significant purpose in the current evolutionary cycle of this planet. It is a loving synchronistic gift that you happened upon these frequencies at this time. This special connection comes from a deep calling within your Soul for support to step up and Walk your Path of Light. Our gift to you is to help you find your unique gift by providing you with multidimensional landscapes of sound in which you can traverse the galactic fields of Light and information to locate the harmonic resonances that are in alignment with your path and purpose.
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