Electronic items buying guides

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This site is intended to offer advice on the purchase and use of technology items for every day people. Instead of being another review site, we attempt to give more general advice based on who is purchasing the items, so that you know what to look for when looking at reviews, advertisements, and stores. Our intent is to help educate you so that you know what we think your priorities should be in evaluating technology items.

Sorry, we don't have any advice as to what techno music you should be listening to. Hey, I was limited in domain name choices, what can you expect? :)

This site was created and is run by Chad Ness. Chad has been involved with computers since learning to program a TRS-80 in 3rd grade. Since then, his love and fascination with technology has kept him involved in this field. He has worked various computer jobs, and currently is Director of Technology at a commercial art school.

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