
Scranton Pennsylvania Businesses Stores Entertainment Schools Churches Dining Sports and more


SurfScranton is the leading free resource for the online community in the Scranton, Pennsylvania, area. Our mission makes up two sides of the same coin: First, we help you find anything you need in the area. Second, we help businesses, churches, temples, organizations and individuals promote themselves to the online world. And we try to have some fun in the process.

All 1241 links are listed here free of charge. Some search engines and link sites charge for listings, only list web sites they built themselves, or try to make other sites buy choice spots. But we try to be as fair and democratic as possible with all the links we can find organized by category and alphabetical order.

Oh, and speaking of categories ... no category on the menu will ever be empty. We get the sites first, then make up the categories, never the other way around!

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