
Getting Rid of "Spam" and Other E-mail Pests


In the grand scheme of things, who cares about your e-mail? I do. And everyone who wants the Internet to remain a cool and useful place should. It's not just because I make my living sending e-mail that people truly want. (I make absolutely sure of that by using "verified opt-in", a system which all mass e-mail publishers should use.) I also am a serious Internet user. I'm online most of the day, most every day. I don't want garbage streaming into my mailbox, but I do want to get the mail I have asked for, or that enables me to do my job. Yet I get, or my filters block, many thousands of e-mails every month that I have made clear I do not want. Hundreds per day. That's not "cool and useful", that's a massive burden. And it's all because people who want to force us to read their scams, get-rich-quick schemes, and other bogus come-ons. And that's what the vast majority is: if it was a legitimate product or service, they wouldn't need to use unethical and often illegal means to pitch it, would they?

This Site is a Public Service

This site is brought to you as part of a campaign by the owners of large verified opt-in e-mail publications, such as the author of Spam Primer and others listed below who work to get this sort of common-sense information out to the people who matter -- the victims of daily spam. You can help by pointing others to this site, and by supporting organized efforts such as CAUCE and Spamcon. Another good site is maintained by the well-known anti-spammer Scott Hazen Mueller at -- this site also contains useful information for sys admins on how to secure your site against abuse from spammers who want to steal your resources. It also contains very good general information on spam and how end users can filter it out -- in much more detail than I can fit here.

Such sites do need your support. Consider this: without them, the spam problem could have been worse than it already is!

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