Promote my Company

OurWork Promote my Company

What (summary)

We offer to guide them through construction and maintenance of an article that promotes their company. Promote my Company is the second of the Three Core Offers.

This does not change the basic rules of Free Speech and Constructive edits that apply universally on!

Why this is important

  • Engagement: Invites organizations to use our site to collaborate with their constituents
  • Revenue: Helps us improve our offering and sustains the performance and quality of the site


  • There is a button in the grass part of the skin that says "Promote my Company"
  • Clicking on the "Promote my Company" button causes a modal dialog to appear with a message in it (see below)
  • The dialog has two steps culminating in the submission of credit card details and the creation of an order
  • Clicking "Promote My Company" call to action opens the modal offer dialog
  • Clicking "Sign me up!" takes them to the https:// checkout screen
  • checkout screen redirects if HTTPS isn't enabled.
  • Any errors in entering the information return them to the checkout screen with
    • all the fields repopulated with the values they entered
    • helpful error messages next to the incorrect fields
  • Any errors in authorization from the payment gateway return them to the checkout screen with
    • A report of the authorization error message at the top of the screen
  • A successful authorization of their credit card
    • Creates records in our CRM for the company, customer, and the order transaction
    • emails them an order confirmation message
    • emails a copy of the order
    • shows them the After successful checkout screen
  • Vinh, Ray, and everyone else who cares feels that the presentation is smooth

Promote my Company Flow

Promote Your Company Flow 2.png

Finally returns them to ThePageTheyStartedOn

Text of Promote my Company Pitch

Promote your company with a high quality, interactive article on! Articles on appear high in Google search results, attracting more than 5 million unique readers to AboutUs each month. A great article about your company on AboutUs bolsters your web presence by informing readers about the services and information you provide.

For a one time fee of $99 AboutUs will spend up to three hours total to work with you to build a great article for your company. This service will include:

  • A strategic, content-rich article
  • Industry categorization and links to related articles
  • Page change alerts for articles about you and your industry
  • Coaching on how to use AboutUs for promotion and other purposes

Your article will:

  • Attract customers and engage them in a constructive, third-party space
  • Earn online credibility
  • Maximize search engine exposure
  • Boost keyword search rankings
  • Provide a place outside of your own website for prospective customers to learn about you.

Next Promote my Company/Value Proposition

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