

About This Site

We host some open source content accessible via and the semi-offical Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Wiki. This page is a simple summary of free and mostly open source content that we have come across over the years in approximate order of discovery. If you have any questions or suggestions, especially for dead links below, then please email

jamendo is a new model for music artists to promote, publish, and be financially rewarded for their works. On jamendo, artists distribute their music under the Creative Commons licensing agreements. This type of licensing offers a wide range of protections and freedom for the writers and musicians. This also allows Jamendo to use Peer-to-Peer networks like BitTorrent or eMule to legally distribute albums registered on jamendo. The public can now freely download, listen, copy and redistribute any music from Jamendo in accordance to the licensing agreement chosen by the artists. jamendo encourages the discovery and sharing of music. It also allows users to offer their own opinions and reviews. Albums are rated based on visitors? votes. At the same time, listeners can make monetary contribution to the artists that they like.

Submitted by steveb at's live stream plays music-video based programming 24/7. Be warned that it is a heavily Flash dependent site and not created by open source tools nor is the content in anyway "open" but it, however, does provide free (as in beer) content for viewing if you happen to run that operating system shipped out of Redmond, OR, USA.

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