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Excerpted from the website description:

[larynandjanel], In 1965, a Rabbi named Max Nussbaum asked Martin Luther King Jr. to address his congregation at the Temple Israel in Hollywood. King's sermon at Temple Israel was recorded onto an old-fashioned, reel-to-reel audiotape ... recently made available to the public for the first time since 1965., While we were watching the football games Sunday (on our fuzzy, 20 year old TV) I saw a commercial which was a reminder of why I am glad I don't work for a corporate design firm., I ran across a link to a book called Capitalism 3.0 and while I haven't read it, it seems to suggest an interesting concept in terms of infusing the idea of the commons into capitalism-as-we-know it. In fact, he's also put his money where his mouth is by providing the entire book as a free PDF download in addition to selling it in paper form. ("Wryly acknowledging the oddity of giving away a book with the word 'capitalism' in the title, he writes, 'I invite you to peruse the downloadable version, and if you’re so moved, engage in a commercial transaction that microscopically boosts GDP.'")




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