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About Jere Matlock:

Jere began writing in the '60's and has written hundreds of magazine and newspaper articles, but does not consider himself a reporter. Heaven forbid! As any of you working reporters out there know, you are given your story (and its "slant") by the editor of the paper/magazine. Any "reporting" you do after that is simply finding out details that fit the editorial slant you are given, based on the affiliations of your newspaper or magazine, as determined by its owners and advertisers.

Although the facts thus "reported" may all be accurate, the truth itself often suffers greatly from this system. You see, it is "Controversy" that sells papers. It may sell papers, but in its presentation often creates tremendous bias against the righteous (with truth on their side), while gaining sympathy for the truly evil. Mr. Matlock refuses to participate in this omnipresent scam. (If you have led an insular existence and need examples of this, he will be happy to enlighten you. He will rant at you about Dan Rather's doctored interviews at great length.)

It is also true that Jere is very entertained by the concept of deadlines and how closely editors take them to heart.

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