
Imago Relationship Therapy, Tucson AZ


"Darcy helped several times as we were working with processes and got very stuck. Her help truly felt it was coming from the heart."

Bonnie is a certified Imago Relationship Therapist with over 16 years of clinical experience in providing individual, group, family and relationship therapy. Bonnie, an Advanced Clinician in Imago Relationship Therapy, is also certified to present the Imago "Getting the Love You Want" workshops for couples. Bonnie was trained by Dr. Hendrix, founder of Imago therapy and author of the bestseller Getting the Love You Want: A Guide for Couples.

Bonnie's workshops have received rave reviews from New York to Tucson. Her presentation style is clear and concise, authentic, open, warm, humorous, knowledgeable and professional. Hundreds of couples credit their weekend with Bonnie as the turning point in their marriage or committed partnership. Bonnie's extraordinary work with couples has received media recognition in city newspapers and radio talk shows in Tucson and Phoenix, Arizona.

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US 85712-3691

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