
Greendoor Wellness-Discount Prices for Needak Rebounders, Hang Ups Inverstion Tables, Strauss Heart Drops,


VIBRANT HEALTH IS WITHIN YOUR GRASP! The body's natural state is not illness; it is glowing health. Blood and skin cells reproduce every 10 to 30 hours, muscle cells every few years. AT THE END OF 7 YEARS YOU HAVE THE ABILITY TO CREATE AN ENTIRELY NEW, HEALTHY BODY.

GREEN DOOR WELLNESS CENTRE is dedicated to providing the necessary tools to assist you in reaching this goal - from education to offering holistic products and therapies that enhance immunity, cleanse the lymphatic system and heal the body, deter and reverse aging, alleviate pain and swelling, and restore the body to its natural balance.

Our therapy is state-of-the-art, yet holistic, non-invasive, relaxing and healing to the mind, body and soul. Our staff researcher, a Registered Nutritional Consultant with over 30 years' of studies and experience, regularly monitors medical advances and the natural, holistic remedies and therapies available for support in our fast-paced, stressful, and increasingly toxic modern society -- truly a merging of 'New Age' with ancient wisdom.

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