sells elevated car seats for cats and dogs.


FidoRido Pet Car Seat, Dog Car Seat, Travel Safety Pet Dog Booster, Lookout Car Seat Belt Harness


It all began with a cute little puppy. . . a cute little puppy that liked to run around the car and try to see out the windows. For the safety of all concerned, the puppy's owner decided to find a restraining device that allowed the puppy visibility out the window.

But, alas, there was none to be found. Frustrated but not undaunted, the puppy's owner was determined to have a pet restrainer and booster seat even if she had to make it herself! And make it she did. After several prototypes, blood, sweat and tears, an effective pet car

seat was developed. The puppy could see out the window and was comfortably restrained for safe driving. Then she thought, "Wouldn't it be great if this was available to other dog and cat owners?" That was in September of 1999.

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