A website dedicated to lesbian (femslash, Yuri, etc) stories.

This website is 4 years old as of May of '09. It was created as an archive for lesbian fanfiction (also know by the terms: Femslash, Shoujo-ai, Yuri, etc) but has since its start grown to include original fiction as well as a forum and gallery.

While there are many quality stories avalible on the site, a sudden influx of new writers with low quality stories has made it so that you have to dig for the best ones. It's recommended that you sign up and ask the other members of the forum for the best stories as the quickest way of finding them.

Membership allows you to follow new stories and updates by your favorite authors as well as post your own stories or on the forum.


The website owner has elected not to initialize their page with content from their website. We apologize that this page is more sparse than other pages on If you are familiar with this website, we would like to invite you to contribute your thoughts and constructive comments. Just click the any of the 'edit' links.

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