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Charles Puchta (Puck-ta) is an award winning author and nationally acclaimed authority and speaker on the subject of aging and caregiving. Puchta has dedicated his life to helping families, professionals and religious leaders better understand and address aging, caregiving and long-term care issues. His distinctive gift is his ability to take complex subject matter, distill it and communicate it in a way that makes sense to the audience.

Puchta became active in the aging and caregiving industry as a result of his personal experience. By the mid 1990’s, both of his parents where diagnosed with a chronic illness and their lives were becoming increasingly challenging. He spoke with their financial, legal, medical and spiritual advisors searching for direction and insight to help him provide the appropriate care and support, but to no avail. He read articles and searched countless websites only to be frustrated. Having clipped articles, sought information from every source imaginable and having talked with dozens of families who were facing challenges resulting from aging or illness. Puchta found everyone was facing similar challenges and frustrations. Unfortunately, the common challenges are not adequately being addressed in a system that has become specialized and fragmented.

In 2001, Puchta left a successful career in corporate America to found Aging America Resources. His first book was published in May of 2002 and received national recognition within months. Since that time, Puchta has written two other books which he updates every couple of years as the issues and options are constantly changing. He wants to make sure people have the most current and accurate information to help them along their journey. Charles works with churches and faith-based organizations across the country helping them establish processes and programs to better meet the care needs of the church and community. For more information on Charles Puchta, visit

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