largest online community for healthy and green living


Care2 - the global network for organizations and people who care to make a difference!


Care2 is the largest online social network empowering more than 21 million conscious consumers to discover, share, and take action. Care2 members make a difference!

The website offers free petitions (over 100,000,000 signatures so far!), discussion areas, eco-friendly and green shopping, cause channel blogs,and an innovative social news service focusing on news for a conscious world.

Published book author Annie Bond chairs Healthy & Green Living, a library of thousands of "simple solutions" for living a nontoxic lifestyle: from many uses for epsom salts to disinfecting with vinegar, to earth-friendly personal care and more.

Award-winning illustrator and animator Camilla Eriksson curates Care2's enormous collection of free ecards, which offers thousands of e-cards and electronic greetings for every occasion: funny birthday cards, anniversary cards, friendship cards, and of course all the holidays: Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and of course Valentines Day.

Remember: for every ecard you send from Care2, we'll save 1 square foot of rainforest!

And finally, Care2 provides easy ways to make a difference every day: see our daily donation websites, in which a simple click helps the causes you care about:



Contact, Inc
Redwood City CA
United States 94065



Additional Information recently updated their ecards system; check out wonderful new Valentine's day ecards at and save a square foot of rainforest with every card sent. See also the animated "Stickies" if you'd like a free graphic for your blog or MySpace profile.

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Andyroberts's Comments on

  • Andyroberts (delighted) : This site sounds like a good social news site. But currently I am using regularly and I am used to it which makes me to ignore all other social news sites. . 04:45, 25 September 2008 (PDT)

comment by Peaceful Vegan

Actually, Care2 has become corrupt. The moderators there continually stifle free speech especially if the views do not align with their own.

Also, the Care2 forums are overrun with people (aka 'trolls') who continually derail topics, sling insults, and attempt to bully anyone with a differing view. Several decent, respectable people have left Care2 because of the unpleasant environment and the lack of concern or help from the moderators. I have had several disturbing encounters in the past year and the moderators have done nothing to stop the abuse, insults, harassment and even the violation of privacy.

Personally, I would tell others to steer clear of Care2 because it is far from being a caring organization. In fact, from what I have experienced firsthand, Care2 is a fraud,

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