
Phone Call Tracking Services l Capture The Call


Excerpted from the website:

Our story
Previous to founding Capture the Call and offering call tracking services, the owners of our company were sales executives for SBC Yellow Pages. Many times our yellow page customers would question: I am not sure this ad really works & so I am not sure if I want to repeat the ad. Without effective call tracking, "who knows" was the only answer we could provide. Truth is our average yellow page customer ordered on faith because they had always run the ad. They were spending thousands each month on a hunch. This experience gives us a unique perspective on the value of call tracking services and the challenges that business owners face in regard to tracking their advertising spend. It also enables us to provide our clients with additional insight on their advertising campaigns and how to optimize their budgets by utilizing call tracking services. Recognizing what an issue this is for all forms of advertising, Capture the Call was founded to offer comprehensive call tracking services so no one has to answer, "who knows" any longer.
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