Provides Unrestricted PLR - Unrestricted Private Label Rights

Unrestricted Private Label Rights to a Video Site Building Script

For for a limited time, I am offering private label rights to my Video Clip MiniSite Builder script.

This script allows you to create unlimited niche video clip websites, or to easily add niche related videos to your current websites. The script pulls the videos from YouTube, so you are not hosting the videos themselves, and don't have to worry about hosting disk space and bandwidth issues.

This is not the PC based video site builder that you may have seen. This is a web based video site builder. The advantage of a web based video clip site builder is that you can easily modify settings, or add new targeted keywords in a flash, right from your borwser.

No more running an exe program, and stepping through screen, after screen, after screen, hoping you don't screw up and have to start over again.

Just FTP the PHP script to your host, run the setup program in your browser, answer a few questions on one screen, and you're done.

This offer includes the Lite version of the script, and the Full version of the script.

The Lite version of the script is a fully functioning scaled down version of the Full Version.

I have been offering the Lite version for free in order to build a list. Once subscribers get the Lite version and see how well it works, it's not difficult to upsell them to the Full version of the script.

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