
The website owner has elected not to initialize their page with content from their website. We apologize that this page is more sparse than other pages on If you are familiar with this website, we would like to invite you to contribute your thoughts and constructive comments. Just click the any of the 'edit' links.

Community Reviews

I have received an unsolicited advert from the catchall address at my vanity domain promoting this website.

Sender ip :
From: Suspect spoofed sender address.
United States - New York - Albany - Road Runner Holdco Llc
date May 22, 2007 4:59 AM
online meds

Good morning!

Please check our new online drugstore and find all the meds available with great prices.

- low prices
- 24/7 customer support
- only confidential purchase
- express shipping
- presents and discounts

our website:

Thank you,
Online Pharmacy

Opinion: Credit Card/email Scam Check your browser displays the address https:// on any credit card form. - I seriously doubt this website is certified by *any* agency listed on their pages. If you see any agency logo on their website, contact that agency and ask them to verify the authenticity of this website.

The domain was registered 13-feb-2007 and also blocks the waybackmachine. (same ip address)

Website Design Critique

Bad, obvious, stock photos.

  • My Canadian pharmacy is a separate, already established company, not related to this website.
  • The claim "We ship Worldwide" is useless to Americans, because of the FDA's position.
  • FDA's general position: The FDA, due to the current state of their regulations, has taken the position that virtually all shipments of prescription drugs imported from a Canadian pharmacy by a U.S. consumer will violate the law. (from another "legal" online pharmacy's website)


    To check if a particular company is a legitimate participant in the BBBOnLine program, go to A BBBOnLine Seal MUST be clickable; meaning that once one clicks on the seal, a confirmation window opens and explicitly states that the company is a participant in the BBBOnLine program. Also, the address bar on that BBBOnLine confirmation page must show an address including " For example, see the BBBOnLine "confirmation page" for BBBOnLine participant Procter and Gamble at" BBB Alerts & News

    They also recommend you don't visit these fake pharmacy sites, as they may try to install software on your computer.

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