
Can analysis be worthwhile?


he point, my dear friends, is content. Content is what changes this web from a massive collection of links to a few overused and tired sites to an information service where there is likely to be something written on just about any topic. The point is not to quote your favorite band's most profound utterance. The point is not to best view a page with Netscape 3.0. The point is not to flood my mail box with advertisements. The point is content.

omething for everyone then, a page for every purpose, and a site for every interest. Pages of political commentary. Pages of interesting diversions. Pages of engineering that can shed light on commonly misunderstood subjects. Tragedy, Comedy, Lies, and the Trvth.

  • An intrepid reporter's mom, as seen in the Wall Street Journal in an article about web site building. The web packages were advertised as "so easy that your mom could do it".




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