
Revision as of 20:45, 18 December 2007 by Madmad (talk | contribs) (Why is this important?)

When you have nothing to hide, it's easy to be transparent.

Why the Invisible Man Has Nothing on AboutUs

Transparency is a pivotal value at AboutUs both for our staff and our community at large. It involves our commitment to openness and accountability. We affirm our values by publishing notes of our meetings, using open source coding, communicating in public talk pages and a public IRC channel, and providing a record of our edits on each of our Personal Pages.

It is our hope that by publicizing our actions and our projects we will engage you, our community. If you would like to help build the commons, please see how you can help.

Cosa Facciamo

Realizzazione Siti Web Personalizzati - Posizionamento e Indicizzazione su Motori di Ricerca e Directories - Seo Specialist - Strumenti di Marketing Digitale - Web Solutions

How do I do this?

Your user page is a good place to start.

  • Give your real name
  • Include a photo of yourself
  • Add some information about yourself such as your interest.

For more information on transparency start here:

External Links

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