LaptopPolicy:Status/Ward Cunningham

Revision as of 15:20, 11 August 2007 by (talk)

NotYet I'm ok with the 80% so long as this corporate investment in an employee vests over two years. That is, if an employee accepts an 80% contribution, but leaves after one year, half of that investment would need to be returned. (I doubt the company could recover more than 20% of the cost of a company owned laptop after two years.)

I feel the policy also needs to say something about One: maintaining the equipment in a condition suitable for performing one's duties, recognizing that the employee is assuming some risk normally carried by the company. Additionally, we should be clear about Two: who owns work product that might be held on an employee owned computer, and what rights the company has to inspect an employees' computer should there be some sort of personnel dispute. Edit-chalk-10bo12.png edit

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