Self Organize

Revision as of 22:08, 10 May 2007 by TakKendrick (talk | contribs) (The problem of self organizing is that you gotta do it yourself. How do we teach people how to self organize.)

Thoughts On Vision > Purpose > Self Organize

Organize, Cooperate, Connect

  • Bring website owners and their users closer together
  • Facilitate the Web Democracy via mass communication, Collaboration, and full Transparency
  • Combine the information world and the commercial world within a ubiquitous and dynamic social network
  • Think together ... all of us wherever we are located and whenever we have time can join in
  • Hasten the coming of the global "Open" culture
  • Connect People
  • Make information more accessible in a common place
  • Bring the web together
  • Organize the UnCentralized

Self-organization: the spontaneous emergence of global coherence out of local interaction


Self organizing is about taking responsibility for your pieces and when someone else is is taking responsibility for the pieces that they care about. When they bump or collide, Self organizing is about taking responsibility to work together to solve the problems of two ideas of working together.

So self-awareness comes from doing work -- the most important part is the self-awareness of a group of people or a group of ideas working together.

Self organizing is about the get it done mentality, just getting together and when something needs to be done, getting it done rather than waiting around for someone else to do it. This is not intuitive to do this, but it's pretty inspiring. We're not taught in society to do this, we're taught to sit around and wait for someone else to do something, but it's very powerful to realize that we can't all wait and have to make things happen.

Wiki is a way that encourages this idea of self-organization. Makes it easy for it to be talked about because in no other place can it be done so easily.

Maybe not easily, but wiki forces it to happen, through collaboration and even content conflicts, there is no other way but to figure out how to work together.

The role of self

Goes back to the idea that who ever shows up gets to BeABuilder and the self is the person who showed up. Because you showed up:

  • Your ideas are the ones that are going to be taken
  • Your ideas are the ones that are going to be heard

And the next person who shows up, their ideas are going to be taken/heard. And then your have to work together or not, but both of those are ways of sefl-organization

On our site, the George W. Bush page is not going to be like on Wikipedia I imagine. Because the republicans are going to make their George Bush page, and the Wiccans are going to make theirs and the Libertarians are going to make their own page and the Democrats are as well. So the main name contains with little pieces of each page and then you go to those other pages.


a little examle and a little definition

how do applies this to wiki. like critical reasoning, it jsut happens. how to describe it.

The problem of self organizing is that you gotta do it yourself. How do we teach people how to self organize.

Self organization for the inexprienced

  1. see something that causes you to want to take action. (learning about initiative at a visceral level)
  2. in wiki, that is clicking on the edit button.
  3. you want to share information. I hae information and you want to share it.
  4. the occurance of other people self organizing goes up as time goes by, then you have to determine if you watn to work together or not (it is ok to not LawOfTwoFeet).

Deciding how to build something. part of the proeccess of building. exciting. the proccess is building...

sort of having an easter egg hunt in a really big space. ... hmmmm ...

past references

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