HTML5 in Action

Revision as of 19:31, 3 June 2010 by Steven Walling (talk | contribs)

HTML5 is the next revision of the HTML (HyperText Markup Language) standard. In addition to other updates, HTML5's main goal is to reduce the need for proprietary plugins such as Microsoft Silverlight and Adobe Flash in developing rich Internet applications. For instance, YouTube has long used Flash to play most of its videos, but not all devices support Flash. In the future, sites like YouTube will use HTML5 to play their video without the need for a third party plugin.

HTMl5 is still in development, but there are a growing number of sites where you can see all that the fifth version of the Web's core markup has to offer. Check out some of them below.

  1. is a gallery of some of the top uses of HTML5.
  2. has 101 of the best HTML5 websites.
  3. has some cool sites meant to be demonstrations of the new standard.

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