User talk:MarkDilley

Revision as of 21:01, 3 May 2010 by MarkDilley (talk | contribs)
MarkDilley | .com | .org | .net | .photo | .tv | .us | .mp | .info | .wiki | .bliki | .notes | .talk | .category

My new strategy, remove comments after responding to them. Hope it works! (thanks to Ward for the idea)
(see history of this page)

Quote: Why are we not co-owning the domain? (MarkDilley)



Hello Mark, in the meantime I have learned a lot of CommunitySpirit and the :-)

Are you interested to share the domain G CreateConnectCollaborate as G FreeGainSharing?

This means, if you agree, we only need to document it in public, here and at, for which we have a public cooperation agreement with their CEO.

You leave here on your domain registrar, e.g. and you get it with 0.00USD (zero) acquisition and transaction costs. As soon as you sell it, we share in public our gain. You have my full initial trust.

fridemar 18:29, 21 September 2009 (PDT) PS.: Mark, you are active on so many channels, that only GoogleSideWiki+Twitter+Facebook+Twitter+... may help to reach you :-) fridemar 17:41, 24 September 2009 (PDT)

Si se pudeo!

Yes, *we can* in the new G WikiNomics era. The people, employed at Google are allowed to use all their Google infrastructure for their personal projects and ventures (one day a week), as long as they do it in accordance with the general business ethics of the employer. CreatingAndSharingWealth is in accordance with AboutUs and beyond. The FreeGainSharing offer (and more to come) goes to all the staff of AboutUs, including RayKing. If no one here helps to build the barn, I would be very sad. fridemar 05:14, 26 September 2009 (PDT)

I appreciate your urging - I work on the framework that WikiIsSlow - so please keep pinging me and much appreciation for you patience. Best, MarkDilley

Thank you Mark, your appreciation is welcome. What is your problem to not yet accepting the offer? My problem is, that I am now in a waiting state of indefinite duration. The longer the duration, the shorter the time for the recipient of my offer to monetize the domain without the need to incur additional costs. I would be really happy, if you would be the first one to trigger the process of SocialDomaining. To make this practice helpful for people in the developing part of our planet, we need a template transaction and a better understanding of the dynamics behind it.

This offer to you is meant as a template transaction.

For better understanding, I refer you and our readers to the bilinked page: TheTransitioner:Actions. If you answered there, this would increase our WebWeaving effect in another WikiNomics friendly community for building the Commons.

fridemar 18:40, 7 October 2009 (PDT)

Mark, so if you have currently no time left, could you please perhaps forward the offer to one of your peers, preferably to poor, friendly and smart, RealPerson wikizens, ASAP, such that we can use the remaining time as best as possible for peer marketing. Thank you.

fridemar 20:28, 9 October 2009 (PDT)

Mark, you might wish to have a look at my engagement in .

fridemar 17:37, 10 October 2009 (PDT)

2pen or not 2pen ?

Hello Mark, having hopefully answered your question on 2pen to your satisfaction, I am looking forward to your response. Thank you. fridemar 16:35, 9 March 2010 (PST)

Meanwhile I have renewed the domain for the convenience of the potential (co-)owner.
A sign of your life would be greatly appreciated (such as ---^---- at least :-)


Hello Mark, you asked for the link, concerning my opinion on Adsense. Here is it: AboutusBlog:AdsenseAsWinWin

Your welcome la~