
Revision as of 18:17, 5 October 2008 by MarcLaporte (talk | contribs) (Major change)

The TikiWiki Community

TikiWiki CMS/Groupware is a full-featured, web-based, multilingual, tightly integrated, all-in-one Wiki/CMS/Groupware, Free Source Software (GNU/LGPL), using PHP, ADOdb and Smarty. It is actively developed by a very large international community and is translated in over 30 languages. TikiWiki can be used to create all sorts of Web applications, sites, portals, knowledge base, intranets, and extranets. TikiWiki offers a very large number of features "out-of-the-box", arguably more than any other Open Source Web Application. Highly configurable & modular, all the features are optional and administered via a web-based interface. Major features include a robust wiki engine, news articles, discussion forums, newsletters, blogs, a file/image gallery, bug & issue tracker (form generator), a links directory, polls/surveys and quizzes, a FAQ, a banner management system, a calendar, maps, Mobile Tiki (PDA, VoiceXML and WAP access), RSS feeds, a category system, an advanced themeing engine (Smarty), a workflow engine, a spreadsheet, live support, Shoutbox, inter-user messages, a menu generator, an advanced user, group and permission system, internal search engine, external authentication support, and much much more.


The Tikiwiki Community


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