
Revision as of 17:05, 9 July 2008 by Fridemar (talk | contribs) (Question1: Howto make BuyButton on Aboutus: WorkInProgress)

From SharedEcommerce

Fridemar: Hello, dear Robin K. , you are the Lead Developer of I first saw you on YouTube.

and again here:

It is a great opportunity to have you here, asking you some questions in public, thus giving your work more public focus. I see a lot of applications within the Aboutus community for mutual benefit.

As Aaron and myself are prototypical new users of your service, it might be a good "warming up" to help us and potential new clients in this special community context.

Question1: Howto make BuyButton on Aboutus

What procedure do you recommend to make a Buy-Button here. We cannot use HTML, so the link syntax here is confined to an expression like [[EjunkiePhpAddress Imageaddress]]

Meanwhile I found the answer at [E-Junkie:HelpSell]

Quote: If you are selling on a site like Craigslist, Flickr, YouTube, Unpcoming.Org or in a forum or in a newsletter which does not let you paste HTML, but does let you paste a link. From E-junkie ADD TO CART or BUY NOW button, take the URL ( part and just stick it wherever you want to.

This is, what we got: WorkInProgress

Question2: No transactions costs =

If we use the E-Junkie 5 U$ base-account together with Paypal does your service pay the Paypal transaction costs too?

You are invited to test my link. I would like to pay you back this money by one of your demo-applications . ( BuckDrop,

In the latter case, we can demonstrate in public, what goes on.

Robin:' ...

Question3: What is the meaning of "PayPal Account Optional: On" In your "Important Notice" to Paypal users you, I could identify all options to (un-)check but not this one:

  • "PayPal Account Optional: On"

Has this something to do with IPN (InstantPaymentNotification) ?

Robin K: ...

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