
Revision as of 16:18, 20 June 2008 by Fridemar (talk | contribs) (WorkInProgress)

The birth document of ExtremeOpenBusiness

The birth act of ExtremeOpenBusiness occurred in Meatball:ExtremeOpenBusiness

Google (as an AI ;-) is given the credit to have noticed this idea in statu nascendi within minutes from the ShortDigest in the MeatballWiki.


The direct link comes from: [1]

Screenshots of the initial actions



Seconds later all TLDs taken

Seconds later, when I wanted to buy the other domains, they were already taken by some opaque business. My plan was to share the small initial investment with all active RealName community members here, who are interested in joining the ExtremeOpenBusiness.com initiative.


Lesson Learned

Next time, when a new idea for LiterateMarketing or even LiterateDomainMarketing is born, I suggest, to buy a bunch of related DomainNames for sharing the investment and later the gain in the community.

XOB an offspring of OpenBusiness and XP


OpenBusiness, Wiki:ExtremeProgramming, Meatball:ExtremeProgramming

First Interaction of CreatingAndSharingWealth

Fridemar: Aaron, as my thank you to you and the appreciation for your collaboration on ExtremeOpenBusiness, I offer you half of the gain of the (some minutes ago) bought domain ExtremeOpenBusiness.com, if you pay me half of the initial price = 3US$.

If you accept the offer, we both can subdivide our owned parts with prospective active partners for an increased offer price. In case you have partners and the domain is resold, then you get half of the gain and the responsibility to pay your partners.

The same holds for my partners on my part.

As soon as possible the bought domain-name will point to this page, or a bilinked one. fridemar 09:18, 20 June 2008 (PDT) PS.: The current TimeStamp comes from reworking this page in Aboutus.So the real time stamp, must recovered by historic research.

Aaron: I accept your offer. Now we need to figure out this transfer. The hard part would be picking the good ones. The other domains are now available. OpenBusiness domains are all taken what a shame. -- AaronPoeze -- Aaron PS.: Fridemar inserted the signature of Aaron, asking him to insert 4 tildes, for automatic timed signature

Fridemar: Thank you Aaron for sharing work, insights, investment and gain. What do you recommend as funds transfer method? fridemar 09:18, 20 June 2008 (PDT)

CreateConnectCollaborate as another exemple of XOB

Now another realworld example: Whoever wanted to buy CreateConnectCollaborate.com could have done it directly from the start via CreateConnectCollaborate, sharing the investment, work, insights and gain. As nobody had taken the opportunity, I applied the XP principles ConstantTesting and EmbraceChange (I had a better idea on the go) and now offer it for a higher price and an expected sharing pledge at AboutusOrg:CreateConnectCollaborate

Interestingly enough, I offered this domain in response to AboutusOrg:WhoWeAre in an IRC chat to the Aboutus staff there and was honored with a page created by MarkDilley, called AboutusOrg:CreateConnectCollaborate . Here I applied the XP principle, Courage as reflected in the core-value AboutusOrg:BeBold. fridemar 09:18, 20 June 2008 (PDT)

Here you are invited to put in your TimeStamped later comment'

Countless synergies for SocialDomaining in form of ExtremeOpenBusiness

To practise SocialDomaining as ExtremeOpenBusiness has the advantage of rooting the trade in the community, where such values are in high esteem, possibly getting the best work power to make the deal a success.

This example (to be elaborated) shows the countless synergies, that can be produced by integrating the economic part of real life into a wiki.

As a good intro to the principles of XP, take Wiki:ExtremeProgramming or the first hit of Google:ExtremeProgramming for easy reference. (There are millions of hits). -- FridemarPache

Aarons offers another TDL domain for sharing with Fridemar


Aaron: There are many funds transfer methods. Your preferences and suggestions are important here. Perhaps a cheque is better although I am not sure how easy it is to draw a cheque in foreign currency for such small amounts. Many use paypal but I am not fond of the company's practices. However if it is the only reasonable option I will do it.

We could also use a LETS or iou based tool like Ripplepay. This will not do the transfer but will record the amount I owe and the reason for it.

To facilitate a stronger coverage of ExtremeOpenBusiness I have taken the liberty to purchase the domain [extremeopenbusiness.org ExtremeOpenBusiness.org] where hopefully my effort to forward the domain to this location has been successful. I offer this is the same spirit as Fridemar where I offer Fridemar the option to have one half of the gain of this domain for one half the change of $US7.99 which is $US4.00. I am also willing to share this domain out in a similar manner to extremeopenbusiness.com with the same kind of responsibilities and benefits. I took two screenshots and will discover how to make them available. I need to crop and convert formats and host them, likely on AboutUs.

I am currently paying attention to this XP website and seeing what I can learn from it. -- AaronPoeze

Aaron, I accept your offer, making our relation, even more symmetrical. We both agree, that cheques on such small amounts are not the way to go. The cheque, Hans has sent me, is still not cashed out and when it is cashed out, I have to deduct 10 € for processing.

You are right for looking to better alternatives. What about doing it via the community http://NamePros.com. They use an internal currency NP$ for making real-time transactions. And they have an exchange for turning them into real US$ payed out via GoogleCheck . I tested it once and now I have there a public visible positive account. This community is the largest one, doing SocialDomaining. I think they deserve to be considered as a platform for practising SocialDomaining in the spirit of ExtremeOpenBusiness. -- FridemarPache

Coming from c2 to this page I get the impression that this page has no value whatsoever to me. Bye. -- AnonymousDonor

Welcome, dear AnonymousDonor from c2 (I inserted AnonymousDonor, to appreciate your contribution here, inviting you to enlighten us about your values):

It would be really helpful, to know your RealName, that makes your values transparent as an InterestStatement, so that we can balance y/our needs and wants accordingly. Supposing, that you came from Wiki:ExtremeOpenBusiness, I inserted some (hopefully) additional hints to bridge the worlds of Wiki:ExtremeProgramming and our topic here. -- FridemarPache

Then we are agreed on the ExtremeOpenBusiness.org domain. Yes small transactions and fees do not work well together. Much points to SocialDomaining being your preferred kind of OpenBusiness, at least at the present. The selection of NamePros.com as a suitable medium for our transaction balancing is an example. It is time for my concerns to be aired and the positive context you are reaching for be made clear not just to me but others that may be interested in involvement.

Domain trading seems much like stock market speculation. Both are very present moment intense and are about conceptual belief in value in competition with other traders. In short it is often a game of winners and losers and has no positive net effect. In the context of ExtremeOpenBusiness I believe it's imperative the business conducted (here we are talking about domain purchase, sharing and resale) is one of CreateAndShareWealth. To me this means a net positive effect is found, in particular for the OpenBusiness participants, but also the wider society.

The extension of this basic concern is my inability to see how this domain trading will CreateAndShareWealth. It's my understanding that the real worth and value of specific domains relates to their expected or actual use. It is for this reason I have become involved with the ExtremeOpenBusiness domains. The core here is my belief domains are connected much like titles or perhaps real estate where the real value is the person who holds the title or the land that the real estate is trading in. Not the titles or real estate itself.

The second concern is that I am very short in the skills of such trading practices and domain value estimation and projection. I am excited by the possibilities of OpenBusiness but I am aware that the right skills need to be matched to business practices just as is the case with closed business.

The last is more an open question. Why is SocialDomaining your preferred kind of OpenBusiness?

I have also read more on the ExtremeProgramming practices and I agree it has some value in the context of ExtremeOpenBusiness. I particularly like it's improved balance of documentation, group sizing and meetings. -- AaronPoeze

Aaron, I understand your concerns and I am happy, that you bring it on the table. I leave this short note as a memo to myself for later elaboration. Meanwhile I am back on the computer and understand you questions mainly as the following task

  • writing a page on AboutusOrg on Wealth in the context of CreateAndShareWealth
  • bilinking it to here for easy reference and further working on it

You ask "Why Social Domaining as OpenBusiness" or even better ExtremeOpenBusiness. The motivation for me is to explore together the background of the numerous ads, in the Domaining business, which read like this: "I make 5000 US$ with domain trades per week, and you? Buy my ebook xyz for xx dollars, and I share all the secrets with you".

On the other hand the domaining communities are full of tips and tricks. Probably the source of the mentioned ebooks stem from there, the "wisdom of the crowd".

So the interesting part of domaining appears to be more the public tracking of domain marketing (,real trades, how they occur and what money flows from A to B) than the tips and tricks, that are mostly sound horses's sense. My hypothesis is: people pay money for these ebooks, because they are curious to know, what is behind the scenes.

A special bank account with open view on a pay per view (PPV) would give lowcost marketing research samples and an additional income for the courageous pioneers, who play with open cards, offering additionally a(n) Wiki:OpenInvitationForParticipation.

So it is one of the goals to create such a bank, lets call them WikiBank, because the simulation of the use-cases can be made indeed in Wikis like AboutusOrg, together with Google Spreadsheets (as I do it currently: link comes later).

In the time before such transparent bank accounts the simulation of the involved processes take the role of the PPV solution. As a compromise the simulations can also be made in already existing SocialDomaining communities.

Since they are currently not on a PPV basis and since they are rare, they are attractors, making the selling of domain-names easier.

I am fully aware that getting legal access to financial streams doesn't create wealth straightforward in a more substantial way, but it appears a necessary tool to the free floating CreativeCommons intelligence in wikis and beyond to not get them braindrained away to other places. Think of the "zero-sum-game" of domaining as a catalyst for creating and sharing wealth, as a consequence of empowering more people to act as free intelligence. You could also see it as a bootstrap method.

And of course, the more people collaborate online in the form of ExtremeOpenBusiness, to develop and market their domains, the greater the possibility to prove superiority over the closed business model.

-- FridemarPache


Part AaronPoeze Raw Discussion from MeatBall

Hi Aaron, I suggest as you suggested, to redirect it to the shorter name Aaron, because referencing you by the User:AaronPoeze is too clumsy for such a highly productive wikizen as you are :-). Now I have another suggestion: as you are a writer of "history on online communities", I would love to copy the content of ExtremeOpenBusiness (and all similar pages) to AboutusOrg. Reasons:

  • ExtremeOpenBusiness will see lots of changes (see Wiki:EmbraceChange, Wiki:ChangeIsCheap, Wiki:ConstantRefactoring) and later it will be nearly impossible to make the transfer, if lots of participants join the party.
  • AboutusOrg offers ample diskspace to keep a full history of page revisions. (e.g. see the long, long revision history of [[2]] )
  • AboutusOrg supports Date Time Stamps,
    • which is an essential tool for historic research. (Simply use Aaron Poeze 08:30, 20 June 2008 (PDT) for your date/time stamped signature, by the way an affordance to foster RealNames)
    • which allow to document real time based XOB transactions.
  • AboutusOrg supports images, stored in their own database (It is not safe, to build on external hotlinking to images, because this is only a courtesy, that might go, if too many people use it)
  • AboutusOrg supports password access (with OpenID), uses captchas and a host of paid patrouille people to defend against Spam and Vandalism. ExtremeOpenBusiness might attract spammers/vandals, because it is an innovation with a high challenge potential. And we know, how much this could be a burden for Meatball.
  • AboutusOrg fosters business activities within its community.
  • AboutusOrg hosts over 15 million editable pages, representing sites with extracted infos, even WhoIs and statistics infos.
  • AboutusOrg allows automatic portal generation by a bot.
  • The transfer is easy, because it is prepared by BiLinks

Credit is given to Meatball, which is the friendly birth-place and host of the initial historical event. We remain connected with Meatball. -- FridemarPache

Thanks for that, I will discover how to redirect. I do not object to the move. To me MeatBall's theme is online communities and AboutUs is on business. So for ExtremeOpenBusiness I see relevancy on both sides. You also show an impressive list of advantages. My knowledge of AboutUs is limited. Are they are open to these kinds of concepts we explore?
My only real concern would be the possible MeatBall community's feeling on the matter as a form of defacto fork. I lie in the position of active but not very knowledgeable yet and so will leave such issues, should they exist, to others. I think it's important we acknowledge MeatBall as the breeding ground for such creative ideas. I am still throwing out the net of online and offline communities and seeing how I can 'make a living'. I am not a StayPoor advocate in this context. To me OpenBusiness and ExtremeOpenBusiness are possibilities worth developing. But I am still exploring other possibilities.
We could also consider a longer step and host something ourselves. This seems to have several strong advantages and disadvantages. Hmm let me use my * addiction and see what shows up


  • Self image hosting
  • Might be best ultimate transfer case (ie would make transfer from AboutUs to self hosting a zero problem)
  • High flexibility
  • More independance


  • Costs money here and now
  • Burden of security
  • Burden of administration
  • Not an established community

Much of a muchness it seems. -- AaronPoeze

Aaron, I don't think of neither external redirection nor do I think to wipe out our initial contributions at Meatball. I think of copying our current contributions (excluding that one of the AnonymousDonor) and leaving the rest here, to be formed by all the prevailing forces (including our own), that are more in accordance with the current MissionStatement of Meatball.

As we are working on a field, that extends to "on business" and "online-communities" alike, we can place our future contributions in both communities and bilink them. This allows all participants an additional degree of freedom. I even can see a networked collaboration, distributed over many appropriate forums and wikis, bilinked with each other.

Yes Aaron, AboutusOrg is really open to our initiative, confirmed by numerous interactions with their staff on wiki pages and IRCs. The CEO of AboutusOrg RayKing appreciates the new ideas from me in the same way, as I appreciate his ideas and the ideas of their staff and active community members. We mutually follow us each other on Twitter.com.

Concerning fork considerations, I don't see it as a fork; i see it as an expansion of the idea to different places, where the single components of the idea get community-specific nurturing. So all involved communities, i.e. (active) community members and (more or less passive) readers can profit on it.

Welcome "to exploring still other possibilities" and let's see, how we can integrate it.

Yes, in the long run, we could even establish a site, where there is the heart of ExtremeOpenBusiness. (Nevertheless I am open to even drop this centralistic dogma, in favor of permanent flexible distributed bilinked conceptual contributions, collaboration and other wealth [3] creating [inter-|trans]actions.

The listed cons and pros indicate to me that we are in resonance and can make the jump. Do you want to copy itself or do you allow me to copy? You have green light from me, now I ask only you for your explicit green light.

-- FridemarPache

You have my explicit green light. It is likely in the long run these inputs will remain bonded yet have a different flavour in accordance with the different missions of each wiki. It's good that we are in tune with the AboutUs community then. When I looked at the rough list of pros and cons it seemed a self website for ExtremeOpenBusiness was not a particularly good or bad idea at present and I feel we can run with AboutUs and delay that other decision.
Both centralised and diverse have their value and weak points. I suggest we go with what works for ExtremeOpenBusiness as far as we can determine it at the time we give it consideration. One thing that is starting to be more clear is an advantage to record what occurs so that it might be of values to others who, I hope, might take similar steps.
With your green light and mine I am taking liberty to copy information. I may also include some of the information here. I hope to rework it (my first reworking be gentle!) after it is in AboutUs but leave the discussion intact.

-- AaronPoeze


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