User talk:MarkDilley

Revision as of 05:47, 13 March 2008 by DeletedNathan (talk | contribs) (RightToVanish)
MarkDilley | .com | .org | .net | .photo | .tv | .us | .mp | .info | .wiki | .bliki | .notes | .talk | .category

My new strategy - remove comments after responding to them. Hope it works! (thanks to Ward for the idea)
(see history of this page)


The Water Front Pages

Hi Mark!

This is Jen Parisi from The Water Front! Liz and I have some new ideas for The Water Front wiki. I have attempted to add a public water photo gallery so that people can add their images of communal water. Is this the best way to do it, or would something like flickr be better, and if so, how could that be embedded in the page...?

We also really liked your idea of the bottled water prices chart. I have attempted to put a comparison chart together. Is there a simpler interface people could use (like an input form of some kind), or does that make it unnecessarily complicated?

Thanks so much for your help! Jen.

Feb 16, 2008 - That's great Mark! I look forward to seeing the solution! Thanks again (and I'm sure I'll be thanking you sometime again in the future!) Jen.

Thanks for the reply Mark. Seems odd to go to a new page to reply to things - strange kind of logic when so many of us are used to the forum type environment. The expectation is just to see a 'reply button'. :). Anyway, have been having a good look around tonight (yes it is night here!) and like what I see. Still trying to work out the benefits of involvement (speaking honestly, commercially rather than socially). But having said that have thrown quite a few new sites on to see what happens.....


So everyone who needs to see this does, I am exercising my RightToVanish because there's no constructive reason to stick around. Apparently, "life is too short".

I would appreciate it very much if someone could please delete my user/talk pages and do not restore them; also I am opting out of my domains -,, and Please salt the history of these pages.

Thank you.

MarkDilley is marked for deletion. Reason: {{{reason}}}

Nathan (talk) 22:47, 12 March 2008 (PDT)