Revision as of 02:55, 24 January 2008 by DeletedNathan (talk | contribs) (Change present tense to past tense, the page isn't actually there, so there's currently -nothing-.) was currently a wiki project to create a art photography legal guide. Although the main page had changed to a message attacking AboutUs, it used to redirect to the wiki.

In the past, hosted a forum that many AboutUs members said contained images of children that were inappropriate and/or illegal in some places. The discussion on this topic can be found here, here, here, and here.

After the forum was suspended and the main page was redirected to the wiki, AboutUs community members brought up that the wiki skin being used had no link to the original author and much of the content was taken from Wikipedia without properly attributing it or following the GFDL that would allow it to freely use the content. You can see this discussion here.

The website now seems to have been taken offline.

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