Difference between revisions of "SharedEcommerce"

(BiLinks: Fridemar invites Robin K, Lead Programmer of E-Junkie to a community dialogue at Aboutus)
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* [[http://www.e-junkie.com/bb/topic/2713/pg/0#post7112 Invitation E-Junkie]]
* [[http://www.e-junkie.com/bb/topic/2713/pg/0#post7112 Invitation E-Junkie]]
* [[http://www.e-junkie.com/bb/topic/2713/pg/0#post7113 Invitation of Robin K, Lead programmer of E-Junkie]]
* [[http://www.e-junkie.com/bb/topic/2713/pg/0#post7113 Invitation of Robin K, Lead programmer of E-Junkie]]
* [[SharedEcommerceArchive]]

Revision as of 14:39, 8 July 2008


From Aboutus:Suggestion:_Shared_Ecommerce_Solution

Fridemar: Hello Aaron, dear wikizens:

what do you think about the following jump-start into XOB, by using a shared ecommerce solution, that can be started immediately by you or by me, as soon as we both agree on this approach.

I think of a prototypical "emulated" Meatball:PublicBankView, that is realized by publishing XOB income, currently based on bootstrapping the XOB-concept. For this, we introduce the concept of an AuditedSignature for XOB-workteams. Currently we two represent an initial XOB-team, consisting of two members, where each one signs his public collaborative contributions to the concept. (This can be done, whereever in the Web this pioneering business model is welcome).

To make the signature an AuditedSignature, we include a PayLink, that allows the reader to click on it, giving them the information, how much financial support is given from each 1st day of the month until the current day (to the highly creative and labor-intensive, otherwise unpaid work for inventing and developing ExtremeOpenBusiness for all).

The public financial statement simply consists of a daily file for download, that gives nearly realtime information on the monthly account period.

Since years I have been observing the market for micropayment solutions and I think, I have found a qualified service provider, listed in Aboutus as E-Junkie.com.

Have a look at [E-Junkie:FAQ] and you can see the benefits for XOB-teams.

  • Just $5 per month (for ten different files, inserted from the price table-- fp)
  • No bandwidth limit
  • No transaction limit
  • No transaction fee

If n=2 XOB-teamworkers share this account, this has the following benefits:

  • Cost reduction 5/2 =2.50 pro member
  • Each team-member gets the account info of the other(s) for free

For n>5 XOB-teamworkers their "financial engagement" appears to be compensated by one single audit download.

As this service is open to all (albeit protected by a say 0.99 US$ download fee), it is maximal credible and reliable to the public, because it is also open to the tax-authorities.

So these benefits add another incentive for us as well as new team-members.

Every active community member, with a RealName, convincing publications in the past and collaborative contributions to XOB, qualifies. [Meatball:AaronPoeze]

fridemar 16:45, 4 July 2008 (PDT) PS.: Do you know [[1]]? This is another initiative from the lead programmer of E-Junkie, who is known to the Google Developers as one of the most active API programmers in the field of G Google's+SocialOpen+API. I have this info from [YouTube:E-Junkie].

Aaron: Hello again. I have been busy in life and thank you for your patience. I think this is a good idea and matches what we envisioned for public banking and a method which might work in the XOB context. It's great you have found what may be a suitable micropayment service because I understand it's all about fee minimisation at such small payment levels.

Therefore I agree this is worth a go once we can set up such a functional page. What do we need to do for this? How have your OpenSS efforts gone?

No I am not familiar with buckdrop but I am hearing a great deal that google is about to merge into pseudo OS operations offering all sorts of applications from a web basis like their already extensive suite by opening the development to third parties. If this programmer is very active they may become important. will have a look at those links to understand what you mean better. Aaron Poeze 23:32, 5 July 2008 (PDT)

Fridemar: To initiate the open Ecommerce process, I suggest, that we subscribe both a free 1 week trial, where each of us uploads a test file for down- load at 0.99 US$. I download yours, say ExtremeOpenBusinessJournal-AaronPoeze-2008-07-07.html, and you download my ExtremeOpenBusinessJournal-FridemarPache-2008-07-07.html. It appears to be practical to use a uniform format: ExtremeOpenBusinessJournal-UserName-yyyy-mm-dd.html.

To make this file even more useful, I tried out a selfcontained G TiddlyWiki microformat wiki, serving as a (daily) log with links/images etc. TiddlyWiki is freeware, allows commercial use, supports a timeline, i.e. an internal blog and has a large community, which asks for donations. The best donation, we can make them, is to show them, how to replace donations by XOB.

Within the test period, we can also explore how we can organize our journals and account-sharing, asking the E-Junkie support specific questions in their forum or even extending the dialogue to AboutusOrg, similar like DomainRegistrarTransfer, but this time perhaps as a multilogue.

Besides that, I invite you and all interested wikizens to join the [WikiTrail:E-Junkie.com] (see Meatball:WikiTrail) to organize our growing knowledge and skills on E-Junkie.com and at the same time preparing the open dialogue with the ecommerce provider.

In the test phase, we initiate our ExtremeOpenBusinessJournal with mutual 0.99 US$ transactions and with our internal notes. The downloads are primarily tests for us two. If anybody else is motivated to download in this pre-alpha phase, we consider this as extreme curiosity, that adds to our initial XOB-income to be listed on the following day in sequence :-)

Are you ready? What about starting ExtremeOpenBusinessJournal tomorrow with a free trial of E-Junkie?

fridemar 16:42, 6 July 2008 (PDT) PS.: Meanwhile I have subscribed and I am preparing a file to upload. The subscription is easy and realtime. The same holds for the upload-file option. I hope you have a registered Paypal (classic or Pro-) account, although E-Junkie has some other payment provider options. I replaced the filename prefix XOB by ExtremeOpenBusiness, to avoid name-clashes with domain-owners of the 3-letter domains: XOB.xyz.


Dear Aaron, meanwhile my first testupload is available. So I ask you to download it and it would be great to have your feedback.

The downloaded file is a selfcontained TiddlyWiki in form of an HTML-file with embedded JavaScript:


Call for Help in testing

I got the following HTML-Code, we have to emulate somewhere in AboutusOrg or on our Blog. WorkInProgress View Cart

Test (WorkInProgress)

(This leads to a downloadable file meant for Aaron , that costs 0.99 US$. Anyone else, who tests this is supposed to be a sponsor. Thank you in this case.)


Buy Now

[" target="ejejcsingle"] click the link to the left x-click-butcc.gif

A special template at Aboutus

It would be great to have a Template at Aboutus, that makes the image a link and respects the target, something like: [" target="ejejcsingle" https://www.e-junkie.com/ej/x-click-butcc.gif]

Does it work without the target parameter?

[" https://www.e-junkie.com/ej/x-click-butcc.gif]

I think, we need some help from KristinaWeis,TedErnst,MarkDilley to incorporate BuyNow buttons in Aboutus. Perhaps this is a good start to ask the E-Junkie.com support.

Alternatively we can make temporary Buttons in our Blogs. fridemar 17:20, 7 July 2008 (PDT)

E-Junkie support welcome

you are very welcome to leave your public post here, responding to [Invitation E-Junkie]

Fridemar: Hello, dear Robin K. , you are the Lead Developer of E-Junkie.com. I first saw you on YouTube.

It is a great opportunity to have you here, asking you some questions in public, thus giving your work more public focus. I see a lot of applications within the Aboutus community for mutual benefit.

As Aaron and myself are prototypical new users of your service, it might be a good "warming up" to help us over the initial hurdles in this special community context.

Question: What procedure do you recommend to make a Buy-Button here. We cannot use HTML, so the link syntax here is confined to an expression like [[EjunkiePhpAddress Imageaddress]]

Could you please show us (with some screenshots), how to to get such a simple address without additional parameters?

You are invited to test my link. I would like to pay you back this money by one of your demo-applications . ( BuckDrop,BuckDrop.com  ?)

Another Question: In you "Important Notice" to Paypal users you, I could identify all options to (un-)check but one:

  • "PayPal Account Optional: On"

Has this something to do with IPN?

Robin K: ...


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