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| ArticleSummary = Google Analytics is a free tool that gives you data on your website's traffic.
| ArticleSummary = Google Analytics is a free tool that gives you data on your website's traffic.
As you make changes to your site, you can also track how these numbers change. That information can help you decide how to improve your site.
As you make changes to your site, you can also track how these numbers change. That information can help you decide how to improve your site.
| ArticleName = Using Facebook and Twitter for Your Business
| ArticleSummary = Social sites like Twitter and Facebook can feel overwhelming, but they can be relatively simple, powerful and inexpensive ways to promote your business, and engage your current and future customers.
| ArticleName = Make Sure Your Business Appears in Google Maps
| ArticleSummary = With more and more people using search engines and smart phones to spontaneously pick a nearby business -- be it an Italian restaurant, a plumber, or your business -- it's important for your local business to show up in Google Maps.
| ArticleName = Free SEO Tools
| ArticleSummary = Attracting more traffic to your website isn't magic; it just looks that way. When you choose -- and use -- the right search-engine optimization (SEO) monitoring and analysis tools, you learn how people are using your website, and how to start attracting more visitors.
| ArticleName = Reputation Management: Neutralize the Bad with the Good
| ArticleSummary = The social web is increasingly a place where consumers have the power -- and the platforms -- to proclaim their displeasure with companies' bad customer service. While that's not a bad thing, negative comments about your business can be a reputation nightmare. Learn to manage your reputation in the Wild West of today's social Internet.
| ArticleName = These Websites Aren't as Dirty as They Sound Part 2
| ArticleSummary = Some website owners intentionally choose website names that have only a marginal relationship to their brands. With a nudge and a wink, they may be hoping the provocative name will drive more traffic to their sites. While the company will probably see more website traffic from a provocative name, that traffic isn't likely to convert to sales -- and it may create problems for real customers.
| ArticleName = Send Bad Grammar to the Slammer
| ArticleSummary = Your site is your calling card to potential clients from every corner of the globe. Skimping on good grammar practices is a surefire way to invite editorial errors in online content. You wouldn't print business cards without proofreading the copy first, and the same applies to your website.

Revision as of 01:00, 18 August 2010

Use the Web to Grow Your Business

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You've got a business to run. You don't have time to become an online marketing expert, but you know you should be using the web to grow your business. We're here to help you learn how.

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