
Illustrated Maps of Budapest, Hungary - Design by Bela Magyar


Excerpted from the website:

Artistic Illustrated Perspective City Maps of Budapest, Hungary - very detailed freehand pen and ink 3D Bird's Eye View maps

The Illustrated Map of Budapest presents a metropolis in an unusual way: this unique, freehand drawn work was done with a single technical pen. In the sea of visual information of the 21st century one can hardly find such elaborate, frail and sophisticated craftsmanship.

In contrast to the simplifying, faceless, stereotype visual experience of computer effects the Illustrated Map of Budapest has many things for us to discover and to marvel about for hours, weeks or even months. It draws up questions in the viewer, it raises interest and arouses desire to check out all the actions depicted in the picture.

Since its birth the Illustrated Map of Budapest - just like the city itself - has gone through many changes. It was used unchanged as a page in the 1999 Honda Motors� wall calendar, once it served as an archaic,ornate frame to a nineteenth century building (The Hungarian Academy of Sciences) and later, when a client wished to see its HQs in their original environments, was supplemented with new districts.

Although The Illustrated Map of Budapest depicts the capital of a small Central-European country, the language in which it speaks to the onlooker is understood all over the world.The map has been travelling around the globe (sometimes even without the artist's knowledge): It was included in the annual selection album of the JAPAN Creators Association, it can be found on walls of Hungarian embassies� meeting rooms in South-America and Africa, it was used as a frame for political and economic advertisements or as the set for the weather report of a TV channel and a televised cabaret show, etc.

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Frankel Leo ut 21
Bdapest, HUNGARY, H-1023


Aniko Modos
+36 1 3360896, Fax: +36 1 3360895

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