
Victrola Coffee Inc.


Excerpted from the website:

E very morning here at Victrola Coffee Roasters, we gather in our roasting room to cup, or taste, the coffees from the previous day’s roast. If sniffing, slurping and discussing our coffees before we’re completely awake suggests that we know our coffees intimately, having a conversation with one of us about an origin, a farm, or a bean will remove all doubt. We began roasting our own coffee in the tiny back room of our café in 2003 because we wanted to have a direct hand in the quality of our coffees before they made their way into the espresso hopper or the french press. Armed with passion and a desire to learn that continues to influence everything we do, we committed ourselves to the task of sourcing, roasting and preparing the finest coffees available.
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411 15th Ave
Seattle TX 98122 US

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