UnbridledBooks.com is a Colorado based publishing house and book distributor


Unbridled Books


Many of you know about the current wave of admissions by the LitBloggers about what they look for in a novel. >>>read more

About Us

Fred Ramey and Greg Michalson announce the formation of Unbridled Books, a renewal of our partnership dedicated to publishing high-quality works that are moving, beautiful, and surprising. We chose the name to designate a publishing venture that is both energetic and independent.

Unbridled Books aspires to become a premier publisher of works of rich literary quality that appeal to a broad audience. We want to be able to continue our longtime discussion about what allows a novel to touch our hearts and our minds at once. And we want readers, booksellers, and reviewers to trust that when they pick up an Unbridled book, we’re inviting them to enjoy that rarest of pleasures, a good read.

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Columbia MO
US 65201

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