UWEB:Status/Sunir Shah

(MeatballWiki ...)

YES I think we are at the stage where we should user test a few good options, and I am now happy the pencil nib option has survived into 0.1 as one option. Edit-chalk-10bo12.png edit


Sunir, what about a compromise? Accepting the current proposal and adding your favorite design as a CommunityMark, as described in MarkDilleys vote. By the way, what do you think about the design at WardsWiki:UniversalWikiEditButton. In earnest, would you still insist to say, this shape doesn't convey the idea of editing?. WardCunningham "just did it" and leaves the refinement to future fine-tuning. As you are a key player as Ward, you would make a lot of wikizens very happy to give your "green light" with your highly appreciated YES. -- fridemar

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