Txtms.com share or exchange your profile using a mobile phone.

Txtms is the new way for people to exchange information!

Txtms makes it fun, fast, and easy to exchange information with people in real-time. All you need is a mobile phone. No software download required.

Txtms features:

  • Customize your profile and share instantly
  • Quickly exchange your information with others
  • Easily manage your network by mobile phone, email, and/or Txtms.com
  • Never back-up your mobile phone contacts again

About Txtms

From business to personal events, today’s fast-paced lifestyle demands a more efficient method of contact information exchange and superior contact management tools. Whether you meet a new friend or want to strengthen your business partnerships, contact information exchange is critical. In the past, writing information on paper, or exchanging business cards might have been sufficient. You might have even purchased contact management software and hardware in order to manage your contacts better. However, with technological advancements in the mobile phone industry coupled with an increasingly mobile lifestyle, information exchange should be less time-consuming.

Txtms, Inc. is dedicated to the mobile exchange and management of information. It boasts powerful features that can support the needs of any businessperson, while still remaining simple enough for anyone to use. Txtms provides a free service that gives you the ability to exchange information using a mobile phone and manage it by mobile phone, email, and/or Txtms.com. Our easy to use service has taken social networking to the next level by allowing people to connect in real-time. It is a practical and accessible service that will forever revolutionize old-fashioned business card as we know it; Txtms is the ultimate way to exchange and manage information.

Additional Information

Txtms.com launched on 6-Feb-2007




Contact form


Featured Page Nomination

Txtms.com was selected to be a featured wiki page, after having been nominated by the article's creator or some other AboutUs community member. Below is the discussion that led to it's being featured.

  • First nominated on 1-March-2007.
  • This page is coming along nicely. I've made a few minor formatting changes to clean the article up a little bit. The article itself is awfully close to being ready to feature. I kind of want "something more" -- screenshot maybe? I understand this is a new venture, so there's probably not a lot of user reviews/comments/testimonials, although that would be perfect. Will put in the queue to be featured though, with hopes that more revision to the page is coming. -- TakKendrick
  • Txtms.com was featured on 2 March 2007.

External Links

Featured by AboutUs.org on:
2 March 2007
"Moving away from business cards, Txtms.com allows users to share and organize information via cell phones."

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