Informational and educational site on Mexico.


The Pacific Coast of Mexico


The Pacific Coast of Mexico, was started in December 1994 as The Pacific Coast of Oaxaca, Mexico by Tom Penick and expanded to include Jalisco and Colima in 1997. See 10-year Anniversary Message. It is a collection of information about these areas obtained from a variety of sources and depends heavily on input from readers. The web page continues to grow and now consists of about 800 HTML pages and 2000 images. The original URL was and as of July 27, 2000, the new URL is Optimized for NETSCAPE browsers.

This travel web site differs from most in that I try to present a complete picture of the area which includes both the good and the bad. So in addition to the "brochure level" information that you can find here and elsewhere, you will find reports of crime activity, rebel activities, and dangerous surf. Additionally in the Visitors' Comments sections you will hear of some unpleasant experiences of travelers. Actually, the areas are quite safe and anyone who visits can expect to have a great time. The candid information that you will find here is provided to help make sure that you do.

The Maps

There are a number of large (scrolling required) maps of the area. By using a limited number of solid colors, the file size has been kept to a minimum so that these download quickly considering their large dimensions and detail. Available maps are:

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